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 « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »

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Nuage Moqueur.
Propriété du Staff, c'est tatoué sur mes fesses. ♥
Nuage Moqueur.

Masculin Messages : 9
Points. : 150
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2014
Age : 26

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 12:31

Profil de Grapheur :

Pseudo : Appelez moi petite licorne rose ou ... sinon Dieu suprême fera l'affaire.
Puf (pseudo avec lequel vous signez vos créations) : North.
Logiciel(s) utilisé(s) : Photoshop Elements 11, le tout puissant.
Depuis combien de temps graphez-vous ? Depuis plus d'un an maintenant mais ayant eu des problème d'ordinateur j'ai eu un gros vide de quatre mois sans grapher, j'ai reprit il y a à peine deux mois.
Comment avez-vous connu ce forum ? Si c'est par un membre, veuillez nous le citer : De partos en partos.
Quatre exemples de créations :

première création. ( la plus ancienne. ):
deux signatures. ( faites dans la semaine. ):
bannière. ( faite vers nov. ):
Auto-évaluation : Alors, je suis assez perfectionniste, même beaucoup, je cherche trop quelque chose de parfait, et je suis trop pointilleux sur les petits détails, ce qui fait que j'oublie les arrangements principaux, que je corrige ensuite mais pas toujours. Par exemple sur la première création on peut voir sur les côtés un léger différent de teinte - qu'on ne remarque pas tout de suite - et ça fait bof, après bon, ce n'est qu'un détail mais un détail peu tout changer. On m'a reproché récemment de faire du " réchauffé de fly et gouttou " ce qui ne m'a évidement pas plu étant donné que j'admire sincèrement ce que font ces deux grapheuses, et, bien que je veuille un jour arriver à leur niveau j'ai mon style bien à moi, un peu spécial parfois d'ailleurs. o/ Sinon j'ai un peu de mal avec la typo ( la je graphe sur un vieil ordi sans internet en attendant mon nouveau donc je ne peux pas en télécharger de nouveaux ... :B ). On peut aussi voir sur la troisième créa' une espèce de tâche faite par mon fond que j'aurai pu enlever mais comme le personnage pour lequel cette création était destinée est plutôt sombre et secret j'ai pensé que ça pouvait faire son petit effet, certains trouveront ça moche mais personnellement j'aime bien, après chacun ses goûts.
Je parle beaucoup pour rien dire au final donc je laisse les noteurs juger.
Codes du règlement (nous prouvant votre lecture ) : Yup, c'est bon. ♥

Profil Personnel (Facultatif) :

Prénom : Beinjamin.
Age : 15 ans.
Région : Île de France.
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» Dessinateur.

» Dessinateur.

Féminin Messages : 861
Points. : 1408
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2012
Age : 27
Localisation : Dans ton tiroir, banane!

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: Photofiltre
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue7/1000« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (7/1000)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 12:37


Oh t'es un mec? 8D
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Chef du Harem de Lait. Jalouse et possessive. Pas grave elle est bonne ♥

Féminin Messages : 350
Points. : 427
Date d'inscription : 25/07/2013
Age : 24
Localisation : Dans les bras de Lait, évidemment ♥ (D'où tu squattes ma localisation toi ? D8)

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: Gimp.
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue0/0« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 12:39


North de Légende' ?
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Nuage Moqueur.
Propriété du Staff, c'est tatoué sur mes fesses. ♥
Nuage Moqueur.

Masculin Messages : 9
Points. : 150
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2014
Age : 26

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 12:41

Merci les gens et oui j'suis un mec. :D
Larmy - Ouaip, c'est moi. c:
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» Dessinateur.

» Dessinateur.

Féminin Messages : 860
Points. : -237
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2011
Age : 26
Localisation : Marseille

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: Photoshop CS5
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue0/0« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 12:52

Yosh, et bienvenu :3
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Propriété du Staff, c'est tatoué sur mes fesses. ♥

Féminin Messages : 498
Points. : 305
Date d'inscription : 30/01/2013
Age : 23

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: Toshop CS5, mon bébé
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue5/1000« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (5/1000)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 13:36

Bienvenue !
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Dieu et Admine Alassë ~ Adule le Yaoi. ♥

Dieu et Admine Alassë ~ Adule le Yaoi. ♥

Féminin Messages : 2379
Points. : 5120
Date d'inscription : 09/10/2011
Age : 28

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: Photoshop CS4.
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue69/1000« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (69/1000)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 13:47

(Re)Bienvenue Insecte. :ahah: ♥️
Les codes sont bons et je dirai apprenti pour le niveau. :3
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« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 15:24

Un mec c:
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Propriété du Staff, c'est tatoué sur mes fesses. ♥

Féminin Messages : 1697
Points. : 4459
Date d'inscription : 07/05/2013
Age : 26

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: Gimp
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue9/1000« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (9/1000)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 15:42

Welcome ♥

Pour le niveau ce sera grand apprenti pour moi.
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Failariel the Sun
Propriété du Staff, c'est tatoué sur mes fesses. ♥
Failariel the Sun

Féminin Messages : 1498
Points. : 75
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2012
Age : 26
Localisation : Normandie

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: Photoshop CS4,5,6
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue10/1000« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (10/1000)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 17:45

Welcome ♥
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Nuage Moqueur.
Propriété du Staff, c'est tatoué sur mes fesses. ♥
Nuage Moqueur.

Masculin Messages : 9
Points. : 150
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2014
Age : 26

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 18:20

Merci tout le monde, je dois attendre encore un avis ? ♥
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Citrouille Volante Fly. “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”

Flying Pumpkin.
Citrouille Volante Fly. “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”
Flying Pumpkin.

Féminin Messages : 328
Points. : 5021
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2013
Age : 28
Localisation : Val d'Oise.

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: Adobe Photoshop CS4; E-anim 9.01.
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue0/0« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 18:58

Hi you ♥. Je rejoins Ala, ce serait plutôt de l'apprenti :3.
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Nuage Moqueur.
Propriété du Staff, c'est tatoué sur mes fesses. ♥
Nuage Moqueur.

Masculin Messages : 9
Points. : 150
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2014
Age : 26

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 19:50

Thanks Fly, je change mon nom alors. :) ♥
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Dieu et Admine Alassë ~ Adule le Yaoi. ♥

Dieu et Admine Alassë ~ Adule le Yaoi. ♥

Féminin Messages : 2379
Points. : 5120
Date d'inscription : 09/10/2011
Age : 28

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: Photoshop CS4.
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue69/1000« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (69/1000)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 20:59

Je t'ai validé. ♥
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Petit Antagoniste
Propriété du Staff, c'est tatoué sur mes fesses. ♥
Petit Antagoniste

Féminin Messages : 711
Points. : 245
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2012
Age : 26
Localisation : Quelque part dans ce vaste monde

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: Photoshop & Gimp
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue5/1000« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (5/1000)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyDim 5 Jan 2014 - 21:07

Bienvenue à toi !
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» Photographe.

Mister Hyde
» Photographe.
Mister Hyde

Masculin Messages : 3747
Points. : 10
Date d'inscription : 19/09/2010

Informations sur le grapheur
Logiciels de graph: CS4
« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Left_bar_bleue8/100« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty_bar_bleue  (8/100)

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » EmptyLun 6 Jan 2014 - 12:29

Koul un autre mec. 8D
Bienvenue !
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Contenu sponsorisé

« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty
MessageSujet: Re: « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »   « if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. » Empty

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« if you want to go in my life, the door is open. if you want to leave, the door is open. just one thing, do not rest on the porch, not knowing whether to go forward or backward, you block the traffic. »

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